How Can A Person’s Mental Stability Affect Their Happiness?

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Mental stability is incredibly important, but it can mean different things to different people. For some people stability is about having a job, a car, and a relationship that matters. For others, mental stability is simply about feeling balanced. The one thing most people agree on is that it matters. Stabilizing your mental health means manifesting a better, more fulfilling, and more productive life. This is something everyone wants, right? But, can you actually manifest a more well-balanced life? In this article we’ll show you that it is possible. It comes down to working hard on yourself. 

Before exploring more about mental stability, it’s important to understand that some people have a tougher time achieving mental stability than others. There are influences outside of a person’s control that dictate how easy or difficult achieving mental stability will be. In other words, some people will have to work harder than others. Some of these circumstances that dictate mental stability include: 

How Important Is Mental Health? 

How Can A Person’s Mental Stability Affect Their Happiness? The truth is, when it comes to a person’s overall happiness and well-being, emotional health and mental stability are of the utmost importance. Stability trumps all, including material possessions, monetary assets, and even personal relationships. If a person doesn’t have mental stability, they really don’t have anything. This is something that societies should learn. Why is mental stability important to a society? Think about it this way, when they tally a country’s happiness or talk about a country’s happiness index, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) matters a lot less than people would imagine. There are some very rich countries with some very unhappy people. 

Overall happiness is rooted to mental health more than ANYTHING. There is a direct correlation between a person’s overall happiness and their mental health status. When we talk about “mental health status,” we’re pretty much talking about a person’s internal barometer: how are they feeling on the inside? 

Mental Pain & Physical Pain 

Mental health status matters because mental pain is just as damaging as the physical kind. The interesting thing is, in the mind, some versions of mental pain are even MORE disabling than physical pain. Those examples of mental pain hit the brain in ways that physical pain does not. 

Even though physical and mental pain are pretty similar, they aren’t treated so. When someone is physically ill they get treatment. This isn’t always the way it works with mental pain. Afterall, we can’t see when someone is mentally hurt. We can only see when a person is physically hurt. 

Let’s take a broken bone as an example. If someone goes into a hospital complaining of a possible broken arm, they’ll be rushed in. They’ll have tests done, including x-rays. When they leave the hospital that day they’ll leave with a cast on their arm. 

Now let’s take that example and apply it to mental pain. Let’s say someone walks in with a broken heart. They make all of the complaints one would expect in the case of a broken heart, but the doctors say they can’t do anything to treat it. Again, we can see and identify the source of physical pain. But we can’t see mental pain. 

What Does It Mean To Be Mentally Stable? 

Let’s talk about it. Mental stability happens when someone lives without instability. Pretty simple, right? When someone is stable there is no mental illness and life is lived and experienced on an even keel. When someone is mentally stable in their lives, they thrive. Their social life is full of fun. Their work life is full of success. They may have relationships that bring them happiness. They have a general sense of well-being. But when a person is unstable their life is dotted with lots of unexpected things.

Society looks down at unstable people. That’s because unstable people have unpredictable moods, feelings, and actions. A person going through mental instability is going through adversity all of the time. Life is difficult when it lacks balance. An unstable person is not as happy overall as someone who is stable. People who are unstable lack balance, therefore, life is tough. This is why emotionally unstable people are also known as emotionally “unbalanced.” They are less capable of organizing, collecting, and trusting their own thoughts. Their actions and feelings are also impacted by general instability. Someone who is unstable is more likely to suffer from the following: 

What are the Signs That Someone is Mentally Unstable? 

How Can A Person’s Mental Stability Affect Their Happiness? Someone who is mentally unstable will have a tough time with certain things. An emotionally healthy person will have the opposite – things will be relatively easy for them. Here are some of the possible personality traits of a mentally unstable person: 

  • Their personal thoughts and actions seem to be out of control 
  • They lack a general sense of well-being 
  • Their family and friends are concerned 
  • The person is unable to take care of themselves emotionally, physically, and even spiritually 
  • Their work, family, and social lives are inconsistent
  • They may have substance use issues or a reliance on substances
  • They may have disordered eating 
  • They excessively worry 
  • The lack concentration 
  • They have issues with the law
  • The relationships in their lives are unbalanced
  • They either lack coping skills or are ill-equipped for dealing with certain things that require coping skills

It’s Ok To Be Unstable

Being mentally unstable should never be looked at as “a lost cause” or like there is no way to help the person. Instead, people with emotional imbalance should be looked at as though they are struggling – but that they CAN get better. There are things they can do to live a normal, healthy, and productive life. In fact, gaining balance is not only possible, it’s probable with hard work and determination. That’s why you should never look at someone with an imbalance in a negative way. Once they’re balanced they can exceed any and all expectations society sets on them. 

The Last Word on Mental Stability

To sum it all up, mental stability is achievable for anyone. By gaining mental stability a person is balancing their work life, social life, emotional health, physical health, and spiritual health. It may seem like a lot, but with hard work it is possible. For those with mental instability, the desire to “fit in” is constant. With time and work you can have the life of your dreams and finally “fit in.” Having a realistic perspective is of the utmost importance. With a balanced mind you can have more stable and fulfilling relationships, a better work/life balance, and even true happiness and well-being. It’s all within your grasp. For many, the pursuit of mental stability comes by way of medicine. Taking medicine works for some and it doesn’t work for others.

Whether or not it works for you will have to do with your personal situation and brain chemistry. The best way to help achieve stability is with a combination of scientific and environmental changes. Soon, you’ll be thinking, feeling, and acting better and with more balance!